Wow, thank you so much for making this blog! 🙂
Giving the circumstances, I would love to find out about stuff we can make at home and lo-tech printing, please.
Thanks for the reply!
We are definitely looking at stuff that can be made at home. We want the website to be useful after uni as well, so we’re thinking about processes and kit that will help keep practices going.
(It’s Ling, btw, my official first name is Jacqueline which is why this has happened)
What are you up to now? Are you looking for anything in particular that could help with coursework?
I totally forgot about this thread! My current projects are all about digital prototypes but my eyes are already complaining and they would appreciate a break from the screen in making some handcraft so I am trying to do some stuff away of my laptop over the weekends.
I think I am going to give it a go-to do a bit of Coptic binding using dental floss.