The LCC Printmaking, Book Arts & Letterpress workshops are now open until Friday 24 June 2022 for Term 3. Workshops and open access are available for booking on the Online Resource Booking system (ORB).
Open access is now bookable under the tab ‘Find Rooms and Spaces’.
Inductions remain bookable under ‘Find Workshops’.
All new and returning students must complete our new Health and Safety Induction and Quiz. This is so you can access the Printmaking, Book Arts and Letterpress workshops, and be familiar with our COVID-19 safety measures.
Visit our Moodle site to complete it today, it only takes 12 minutes!
For the latest updates visit UAL Coronavirus Updates.
For Teaching and Learning enquiries visit Teaching and Learning FAQs.

For the latest information, including contact details and opening hours, please visit our Moodle page.

This website is for LCC students, colleagues and visitors alike. If you’re already at LCC, use this site as a learning resource, and request what you would like to see added. Is anything missing? What would you like to know? Do you have any recommendations for us?
If you are a visitor, welcome! This is the home of the Printmaking, Book Arts and Letterpress workshops at London College of Communication. We support students to research print, paper, and publication, as well as a host of other practices! Ask questions, join in!
Questions? Join our forum!
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Or follow us on Instagram: @lcc_print_workshop & @book.arts.workshop
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