Kath Van Uytrecht

I am an artist printmaker from South Africa, with a degree in Fine Art Printmaking from the Michaelis School of Fine Art at the University of Cape Town. Since graduating I have lived in Dublin and London, making and editioning prints at various publishing houses and studios. I also exhibit work locally and internationally.

I have recently completed an MA Printmaking at the Cambridge School of Art. This work explores printmaking as an act of mediation and the role of listening in co-creating the world we live in.

My best things about printmaking (at present) are: the quality of ink on paper, ‘the space between’, repetition, colour and etched lines.

Top Tip

Create your own personal toolbox

It takes time to build your own toolbox and is an ongoing process that will take many years. Your toolbox should contain all the essential basics, as well as your quirky favourites and specialist items. A well supplied toolbox will always hold you in good stead.

Start with the basics and build it up from there. You will find that the quality of tools differ from studio to studio and it is very satisfying to know you can always rely on that super sharp pair of scissors in your own toolbox. You can add to your toolbox whenever you need, or take things out that no longer support your practice as you change and develop. It doesn’t have to contain expensive specialist equipment. Often the most prized possession in a printmakers toolbox is something that has been adapted for use, or is no longer in supply.

The container for your tools can also change and grow as you increase your collection. It could be a box or pencil case. My first toolboxes were various sizes and styles of biscuit tins. I now have a hardware store tool box, with trays and compartments. I love it. My favourite tool at the moment is my loupe, also known as a thread counter. It is a useful tool for understanding what is physically happening on your plate and print. It is also just a lot of fun seeing ink on paper or etched lines magnified!

Inspiration and Support

Artists Proof Studio- where I made my first drypoint print at 16… and the studio is still going strong! https://artistproofstudio.co.za/

Legate Lithography Editions – https://www.lleditions.co.za/

Singapore Tyler Print Institute- https://www.stpi.com.sg/

Contact information
Email: k.vanuytrecht@lcc.art.ac.uk
Website: www.kaththeartist.com