Printmaking Support Technican Izzy Smithson shares her sketching and bookbinding toolbox with us.
Izzy has adapted this toolbox as a travel case as she no longer has access to her permanent studio. This therefore creates a focus on the core items that are the buildings blocks of her practice. She can move this toolbox between work and home, creating work wherever the circumstances take her.
We asked Izzy:
What is the one must-have basic essential (most used) tool in your toolbox?
Swann-Morton Scalpel, Muji Gel Ink Ballpoint Pen, Chung Hwa Drawing Pencil.
I use these in every drawing, sketch and collage I do, which then transforms into other processes.

What is your favourite tool?
Pencils! My favourite pencils at the moment: Muji Blue Pencil, Polycolor Koh-I-Noor Red & Purple, Faber-Castell Polychromos Dark Indigo, Black Chinagraph Marker, Chung Hwa Drawing Pencil.

What is the weirdest/quirkiest/most specialist tool you have?
My Brother printer (A3 printer, scanner…. Best purchase post-graduation) and my collection of images that I keep, chop up, use as a reference and go back to for collage.
Collaging papers. Brother printer & scanner